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Build A Reader Storytime: Bilingual
Cuentos Bilingües
2024-11-20 15:00:002024-11-20 15:45:00America/ChicagoBuild A Reader Storytime: BilingualEnjoy stories, songs and activities in English and Spanish. / Cuentos, canciones y actividades en inglés y español.Kendall-Whittier Library
Wednesday, November 20 3:00pm - 3:45pm
Add to Calendar2024-11-20 15:00:002024-11-20 15:45:00America/ChicagoBuild A Reader Storytime: BilingualEnjoy stories, songs and activities in English and Spanish. / Cuentos, canciones y actividades en inglés y español.Kendall-Whittier Library
Registered therapy dogs are excellent listeners. Elementary schoolers are invited to read their favorite books to a furry, four-pawed friend. Registration is required.